Space Coast Daily Park | Viera, FL

October 20 – 22, 2023

Talk Like a Pirate

Avast, ye scallywags and landlubbers! Have ye ever dreamed of sailing the high seas, seeking buried treasure, and living the life of a swashbuckling pirate? Well, ye be in luck, for today we be takin’ a voyage into the world of pirate speak. Whether ye be lookin’ to impress yer mateys at a pirate-themed party or simply want to add a touch of the seven seas to yer daily chatter, this guide be teachin’ ye the lingo and phrases ye need to talk like a true pirate. So, hoist the Jolly Roger, grab yer parrot, and let’s set sail on this linguistic adventure!

Pirate Greetings

Aye, the first step to talkin’ like a pirate be usin’ the right greetings. Instead of a simple “hello,” ye be sayin’ “Ahoy!” or “Avast!” And when it comes to “goodbye,” swap it with a hearty “Fair winds!” or “May yer anchor be ever tight!” Arr, it’s all about the seafaring flair, ye see.

Example: Pirate 1: “Ahoy there, matey! How be ye doin’ today?” Pirate 2: “Avast, I be well! Fair winds to ye!”

Pirate Pronouns and Phrases

Pirates have their own unique way of speakin’, and it be best to learn a few key phrases to blend in. Here be some common pirate pronouns and phrases:

  • “Ye” or “You”: Used for addressing others.
  • Me: Used instead of “my” or “mine.”
  • Matey: Refers to a friend or comrade.
  • Landlubber: A term for someone who’s not a sailor.
  • Bilge rat: An insult for a scoundrel or troublemaker.
  • Walk the plank: A threat of punishment by making someone walk off the ship’s plank into the sea.
  • Shiver me timbers: An expression of surprise or astonishment.

Example: Pirate 1: “Ye be stealin’ me grog, ye filthy bilge rat!” Pirate 2: “Arr, matey, ’twas just a sip! No need to make me walk the plank!”

Pirate Vocabulary

A true pirate knows the importance of a colorful vocabulary. Here be some essential pirate terms:

  • Booty: Treasure or loot.
  • Cannonball:  Round shot used in cannons.
  • Jolly Roger: The pirate flag with a skull and crossbones.
  • Scallywag: A dishonest or untrustworthy person.
  • Scurvy: A pirate’s worst enemy, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C.
  • Davy Jones’ Locker: The watery grave where sailors who die at sea are said to res
  • Buccaneer: A term often used to describe a pirate or privateer, especially those who operated in the Caribbean.

    Example: “That old buccaneer sailed these waters for years, seekin’ his fortune.”

  • Buccaneer’s Breakfast: A humorous term for a meal consisting of only rum.

    Example: “I’m not eatin’ much today; it’s a buccaneer’s breakfast for me!”

  • Bung Hole: The hole in a barrel where the stopper (bung) is inserted. Pirates sometimes used this term humorously.

    Example: “Pass me the grog from the bung hole, matey!”

  • Privateer: A pirate sanctioned by a government to attack and plunder enemy ships during times of war.

    Example: “Privateers were often seen as heroes by their own countries.”

  • Belay: To stop or cease, often used to tell someone to hold off or stop what they’re doing.

    Example: “Belay that order! We’ll set sail at dawn.”

  • Hearties: A friendly term for one’s comrades or crew members.

    Example: “All hands on deck, me hearties! We’ve got a storm brewin’.”

  • Swab: To clean or mop, typically used for cleaning the decks of a ship.

    Example: “Get to swabbin’ the decks, ye lazy dogs! We don’t want a dirty ship.”

  • Lubber’s Hole: The opening in the top rail of a ship’s side used by inexperienced sailors to hold onto while climbing the rigging.

    Example: “He’s stuck in the lubber’s hole, unable to climb to the crow’s nest.”

  • Maroon: To leave someone stranded on a deserted island with little hope of rescue.

    Example: “If ye don’t follow orders, I’ll maroon ye on that forsaken isle!”

  • Aye-Aye: A phrase used to acknowledge an order or command, indicating understanding and compliance.

    Example: “Captain’s orders? Aye-aye, sir! I’ll get to it right away.”

  • Black Spot: A mark or piece of paper with a black spot on it, traditionally used to deliver a death threat among pirates.

    Example: “I found a black spot under me pillow this mornin’—someone wants me gone!”

  • Hornswoggle: To deceive or cheat someone.

    Example: “That scallywag tried to hornswoggle me out of me share of the treasure!”

  • Poop Deck: The highest deck at the aft (rear) of a ship, often used by the captain and officers.

    Example: “The captain can usually be found on the poop deck, surveyin’ the horizon.”

  • Land Ho!: An exclamation used by sailors and pirates to announce the sighting of land.

    Example: “Land ho! We’ve reached the shores of Tortuga!”

  • Booty Call: A humorous pirate term for a raid to steal treasure.

    Example: “Gather the crew, it’s time for a booty call on that merchant ship!”

Example: Pirate 1: “Arr, I buried me booty on Skull Island, under the palm tree marked by the Jolly Roger.” Pirate 2: “Ye scallywag! I’ll help ye find it, but beware of scurvy!”

Pirate Accents

To truly sound like a pirate, ye might want to add a bit of a pirate accent to yer speech. It be soundin’ a bit like a mix of a West Country English accent and a dash of swagger. Roll those arrr’s and elongate the vowels, and ye’ll be talkin’ like a pirate in no time!

Put it to Use

Arr, ye now be well-versed in the art of talking like a pirate! Remember, it be all in good fun, so don’t be offendin’ any landlubbers with yer newfound pirate tongue. Whether ye be practicin’ for Pirate Festival or just lookin’ to add a touch of adventure to yer language, these phrases and examples should help ye navigate the seas of pirate speak with ease. So hoist the anchor, weigh the main sail, and may yer conversations always be as lively as a pirate’s life on the high seas! Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!